Summer wedding flowers, and contemporary acrylic plinths for a beautiful outdoor wedding on the lawn at the breathtaking Yorkshire wedding venue
Caught up in lockdown limitations we are still navigating our way through these exceptional times, but it seemed like the right time to share a common theme running through some of the recent requests that have landed in the inbox, and our latest advice on weddings as we live and work through the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now more than ever planning for a celebration is something we are all looking forward to. Weddings, parties, ceremonies and events will all return, but they may not look like they used to do for quite sometime.

How we envisage the future is very personal, and how we plan for a scaled back socially distant wedding will be one persons idea of the perfect day and another’s ultimate horror. We know you need vision and guidance to create events of the future, that you’ll be looking for the lead from your guests and your venue, and as we live in a constantly changing era we will continue to be a trusted space where you can turn for help and our thoughts on the current situation.

As you can imagine we have quite a few questions for the government, such as, will there be a change in the laws, will the option to get married anywhere – as you currently can in Scotland – be introduced in Britain. This would be a welcome boost for the industry, whilst offering scope for couples to get married in their own garden, on a lake, or at a favourite beauty spot for instance.

Unsurprisingly the outdoor ceremony and wedding party are rising in popularity. A trend influenced by oversees weddings where tropical vibes and wall to wall sunshine are highly likely; always the ultimate appeal. And although we have seen UK venues adapt and compete over recent years, now is really the time for wedding venues to seduce us with their outdoor facilities to meet predicted demand.

Of course nothing could prepare any of us for the devastation Coronavirus has had if your wedding was planned for 2020, but the excitement landing in our inbox is helping us all look forward to creating extra special luxury outdoor weddings.
Gabriella wrote to us recently to ask ….
‘We’ve decided to postpone our wedding until next year and we are now looking to tie the knot at a woodland ceremony with an outdoor reception to follow. We’d like your help and guidance as we don’t really know where to start in terms of what we’ll need, how social distancing and guest numbers may impact our choices, and the challenges of outdoor events. Could we possibly discuss a checklist and ideas of things that are commonly overlooked when it comes to outdoor celebrations?”

As outdoor ceremonies and receptions become more and more popular your choice of venue and location will come first. We will take advice on numbers and restrictions as lockdown eases, and follow closely government guidance, keeping you informed. We can tell you that it’s worth considering the logistics first, as well as checking you can come in on budget, all whilst keeping your friends and family happy and safe on the day.
Our top eleven questions are:
- do you need water, and electric
- is there enough space for you to hire in a large tent or marquee as a wet weather contingency and for catering for your guest numbers
- how many days will you have the venue or location available for set up and take down
- is the ground level
- is access and parking sufficient
- will you need to hire in bathroom and toilet facilities
- will your tables and chairs stand up to being positioned directly on the ground
- will your plan B cover hot as well as rainy weather, and possibly high winds, meeting the latest relevant government requirements
- will you require wedding professionals for set up and on the day management – On The Day Coordination is key to a stress free event –
- will your wedding vendors be required to wear PPE
- will you have mobile and internet reception

Remembering your Plan B will need to consider all weather conditions and cover, permitted outdoor structures, access, food, flowers, decorations, photography, live music and entertainment. And whilst in the UK we often worry about the rain, if the sun is shining and temperatures rise this comes with its own challenges. With keeping drinks cold being the biggest, but wilting flowers and buzzy bees can also be a problem. Think footwear too, and practice your walk up the aisle.
A seamless outdoor wedding anticipates all eventualities and takes months of careful planning. Take advice from a professional wedding planner and get your figures together before you book to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

I believe there’s much awaited good news on the horizon for couples planning to marry in 2021 and beyond. Nothing elicits love and laughter, and treasured memory making like a family wedding, and it seems fitting following these unstable times. We live in hope that deliciously fabulous and glamorous celebrations are not too far off.
Stay safe, be kind, and do get in touch with your wedding questions
Pamella xxx
Natural, authentic wedding photography by the undeniably talented Amanda at Cream Photography