We know wedding planning is exciting and unbelievably time consuming too. We often meet our lovely clients when they are drowning under wedmin or balancing too many suppliers booked too soon in the process as they are cry “I wish we had found you sooner!” The business of wedding planning is shrouded in myth and folklore so this week we shone a little light on how it all works and updated the website with pricing and services, posting transparent costs and details of what you can expect.

It’s true, hiring a wedding planner is not just for celebrities and the rich and famous. There are many services you can take advantage of, saving you time and money whilst still planning your own special celebrations. Planning a wedding in the UK offers couples a magical choice of alternatives and has not traditionally included a Wedding Planner but all this is beginning to change. As experienced professionals we know how stressful wedding planning can be, and how time consuming and budget busting too. With so many considerations no one anticipates, including the balancing of family and friends expectations, not to mention managing a team of suppliers as your wedding approaches. It really is no wonder that by the time the day arrives it passes in a blur.

Savvy couples know that time is precious and that like any other professional service hiring an experienced wedding planner is an investment that can often pay for itself. We know that finding the perfect venue when so many are hidden gems isn’t a one weekend job, that a few venues may have little or no flexibility, and occasionally may have clauses or restrictions that are hidden in the small print.

We offer eight exclusive wedding services including beautiful wedding flowers, as well as bespoke wedding planning for clients part way through their planning and entering wedding meltdown.

On the day coordination is the peace of mind service you will be so pleased you booked. A marquee at home, teepee in the forest or a hotel wedding with a venue coordinator you will reflect on the moment you first considered hiring a professional planner.
Happy planning, much love x
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